Thursday, March 29, 2012

Blog 5: "Historical and Personal Illusions"

         Before i was in the cave of religion but once i saw the light my whole world change in an instanced.  Since a child, i grew in a religious background and  always believed in God. I was so into the concept of church and its rules. At first i followed everything it was asked of me at the church. the perfect image is what i had to portrait. All that changed when i felt i was going against Gods will by being a lesbian.
        When i knew i loved women scared me at first because i was terrified of the consequences of not only by God but my family. like my reputation was going to changed because of this. I still believe in God but i don't just don't follow he's wishes. The church i was attending to with my family kicked me out of the choir because of what i was doing was damnation.
        What the church said goes. there was no if or buts to the situation. so rebelled against it. i knew what i was doing in loving women wasn't right in God's eyes. but i couldn't be a conformist. i had to do what i believe was right for me even if i was rejected by others. My parents resented me at first because they thought how can their loving daughter become like this way. I always had to look up to my parents expectations and never mess up they're reputation. As i got older the fear that i had of rebelling was long gone. i had to make my self happy and no others. The Church still see that I'm wrong and that how will change for they're sake. but no i refuse! what ever i do with my life will only be the judgement of God.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Blog 4: The Allegory of the Cave

     Let me paint you a picture of how our race is in the light or in the dark. We've been captive in own beliefs due to the imagine we've been portrait as a child. We chose to either been enlightened or unenlightened.
     In the story of "the Cave of the Allegory" written by Plato, tells us how one mans journey towards the light. Being in the shadows of a cave. Imprisoned to what he thought was true. He took the risk into coming out of the darkness and walking toward this bright light. Once out of this darkness, he was in shocked of what he saw. After so many years, he belief became different to the change. At first he refused to accept the truth until he saw every living proof.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Blog 3: Revise the Diagnostic

There is no escaping in seeing or hearing on all types of advertisements. we sometime don't realize the way it  impacts our lives in a day to day basis.
According to the article "HYPE" written by Kalle Lash, she narrows down the important facts of this impact. Advertisements has been so widely spread that we haven't woken to the nonsense of theses commercials. It use to be publicize in small places such as buses, billboards and stadiums. Now, there's no place to hide from any type of advertisements. The biggest use for this huge publications are theses electronic monitors placed everywhere. Even when your waiting for your money to come out of the ATM to even while your putting gas in your car. 
In conclusion to this, Advertisements have a tremendous impact in our lives. it has come down to the point that we memorize theses commercials more than the important things.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Blog 2: HYPE

                Advertisements have impact our lives in ways we haven’t noticed. The amount of commercials has been expanded throughout America. From the moment we see the sun rise until we don’t see the light no more.
                According to the Article “HYPE” written by Kalle Lash, She narrows down she believe that these Advertisements are very toxic ting. There are no longer the simplicity of the usual place such as buses, billboards and stadiums.  Anywhere you can lay your eyes on there is a logo or a product message. The Company VideoCarte has created a way to install screens into supermarket cart so you view ads while you shop.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

BLOG 1: Diagnostic

There is no escaping in seeing or hearing in the types of Advertisements. We sometimes don’t realize the way it impacts our lives in a day to day basis.
According to the Article “hype” written by Kalle lash, he narrows down the important facts of this impact. Everyday an estimated 12 billion displays 3 million radio commercials and more than 200, 00 TV commercials have been heard or seen throughout North America. It’s been so widely spread that we haven’t woken up to the nonsense of theses commercials. Sure, its use to be publicize in small public places. Like buses, billboards, and stadiums. Now they’re everywhere. There is no place to hide from these advertisements. The biggest use for this is theses electronic monitors placed even in our local banks and even when you put gas in the car.
In conclusion to this, Advertisements have a tremendous impact in our lives. It came down to the point that we memorize theses commercials more that the more important things. This needs to be put o a stop.